Introduction to NDM: reading and blog task

MM56 - April 2016 & Page 53: A2 A* exam essay on Spotify.

1) Read the first two articles. Write one paragraph on each summing up the key aspects.

page 10 -  Living and learning in a digital age.

they researched the relationship between life at home and school as well as interaction between class interactions. This was in order to see boundaries in the different social worlds. They researched the culture of social media and they negative representations made by adults. During this longitudinal research they made sure to conciser the ethical issues too. In this research they studied young peoples everyday use of the media and investigated the relationship to the way they learn, relate and interact with friends. They didn't find any incidences of inappropriate/ illegal behavior. 

At school everyone was given equal opportunities yet ignored the visible difference students felt regarding class and gender despite equality of race. Teachers sued popular culture to share norms and values despite never discussing the production, control and structure to create certain representations. there was still a huge difference in high culture valued at school and popular culture. 

Across media at home and school, it was all seriously policed by digital surveillance eg. SIMS and VLE and phones which could be useful in education are banned. Highlighting a difference between student and adults worlds thus the interpretations of youth behavior being of value of adults in research, advertising, academic, market research, product development etc. It was concluded that youth goes through extreme lengths to preserve spaces for themselves beyond the views of adults. 

**includes quotes from article. 

page 46- Periscope and the implications of live streaming.

Periscope is an app owned by twitter allowing users to see new worthy content as it develops. However their are many concerns with the app, on of the main ones being privacy. These videos cannot be taken down once being viewed by many users live and individuals may be recorded without permission. This could allow for many negative uses such as bullies and their victims. Data is also used with third parties such as Ditto as well as the breach to your GPS being tracked easily despite it being turned off. Another limitation is the damage being made to the entertainment industry making losses for artists, festivals, subscription channels, filmmakers etc. despite the copy right. 

However their are many benefits of periscope too such as the ability to challenge representations or represent the under-represented. It could also be beneficial in the school environment such as virtual tours, cover lessons, global student interactions etc. Moreover it is also beneficial to journalism making its unedited nature appealing to many, making it deal for quick news.  

**includes quotes form article. 

2) Now read the A2 A* essay. Why do you think it was so successful? 

A2 Media Section B – New 
Media exemplar: Spotify 
One of the great benefits of new and digital media is that they have enabled audiences to set their own agenda in terms of how they use the media. Does evidence from your case study support this view? [48 marks]

It was probably successful due to the followings:
  • In depth understanding of case study 
  • Answers question & question focus 
  • In depth and secure examples from case study
  • Alternative arguments 
  • Use of media terminology & theoriests
  • Developed arguments
  • Clear structure 

3) Finally, answer this question in a well developed paragraph on your blog: How has digital media changed your life in the last 5 years (for positive or negative)?

Over the last 5 years i have found that digital media has grown and developed with me and changed just as my tastes and preferences changed and developed. There are many positive changes it has aided especially in terms of my interests and social awareness. Digital media in terms of its social media developments has helped me go from using Facebook to using Tumblr - which in my perspective has the potential to inform and educate an audience as well as encouraging them to perceive the world from various perspectives which therefore has aided me in perceiving the world with a more open mind despite my fairly opinionated nature. However the vastness of social media which does help to keep an open mind it also exposes you to facts and opinions you find rather disturbing which are disgusting and shouldn't be expressed such as racist and sexist comments, thus causing me to question political concepts such as freedom of speech and a rather distrust of the media. 


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