Weekly New/Digital Media (72)

Instagram Is Introducing Its Biggest (Most Snapchat-y) Feature Yet


A new feature that looks 100% a snapchat rip off, without the same quality and effect though.
They have also introduced an easer brush feature. As well as a rewind button
Key statistics/ facts:

  • "Today, we're introducing face filters in the camera, an easy way to turn an ordinary selfie into something fun and entertaining," their press release reads. "Whether you're sitting on the couch at home or out and about, face filters help you express yourself and have playful conversations with friends."

My opinion:
I think its rather deeming to the platform to keep on copying what Snapchat creates and innovates, it seesm that the other features were just introduced at the same time to divert attention away from the feature that, again, is just like snapchat - i dont think that will work. I think it just highlights how NDM is constantly changing and evolving and playforms have to be on their toes all the time in order to quickly make moves and change and adapt. It also highlights the intense competition where snapchat must be careful to stay ahead and manage to keep producing innovative content that cannot be copied or transferred onto another platform.


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