NDM News: Globalisation

One of the topics that we need to cover in A2 Media is Globalisation - which has huge relevance to digital media, news and beyond.

You should have read the notes on Globalisation in class - the handout is here if you need an electronic copy.

Globalisation and news: blog task

Having discussed these issues in class in relation to our news case study, you now need to answer the following questions on your blog:

1) Is our news influenced by American cultural imperialism? Give some examples arguing for or against this perspective.

I feel that our news is effected by American Cultural Imperialism. Take economic and business news for Britain, many of the big multinational companies have a huge influence on the UK economy and most of them are owned by America therefore anything  to do with their currency or any of their business news it will directly affect us too hence the focus on America especially now and near to their elections as it would not only influence this but also our trade patterns too. Example of some of these are the media multinational such as Viacom and Warner Bro. 

Moreover, it is not only in an economical and business sense that America has influence on us as well as on a world wide scale too. America has a huge influence on the control it has on our culture with media such as American Shows and having control over much of our social media that are extremely popular over here too but still have their roots in American culture. Thus the culture of our news, what’s important and what isn’t, is indirectly determined by American culture.

As the article states, its about the dominance of the culture of a particular country and that is exactly what America has, dominance. The impact this can have on news is especially true in an environment in which news is trying to embrace technological advances and use them in their organisations in order to remain competitive and relevant. As the article states news attempts to "selecting and repackaging information to best suit their conceptions of domestic needs." and these domestic needs can easily be influenced by the 'culture' of the country which is becoming fairly 'American.' The article also highlights that "US monopolises the global information system," 

2) Has the increased globalisation of news improved the audience experience? How? Why?

Increased globalisation has improved news to the extent that it is easier for communication of news to take place on a global scale increasing the variety of news audiences can consume. However it is negative in the way in which that it means that audiences may not completely have acess to the news thy want eg. hearing american news when they want to hear news about iceland. 

3) Has globalisation benefited or damaged major news institutions? How? Why?

benifited them on the extent that the big multinational corporations have the ability to expand and gain more power on a global scale however this does lead to a lot of competition for these news organisations making them hae to invest in a lot of research and development


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