Ignite presentation peer notes

Ladan: Twitter
  • Society, politics, news 
  • online news and social networking 
  • campaigning and oversimplification
  • government surveillance of audience 
  • global connection 
  • #blacklivesmatter
  • social media revolutions 
  • Malcolm Gladwell - activism but not revolutionary change 
  • citizen journalism 
  • "black twitter" - presentation of black identities
  • 15 million active users in the UK
  • 65% under 34 
  • Fake news and politics 
  • echo chamber 
  • terrorism    
  • Twitter seems to be having increased power in terms of its audience influence. Even though it doesn't directly influence audience opinion within the platform due to the existence of echochambers but it does cause them a false sense of support. Therefore audience audiences to feel they are supported when they are not and therefore don't do much campaigning outside of social media and the internet therefore limiting the amount of social change they could potentially bring about. 

Abayomi: Spotify

  • music industry -  record, produce, publish, ;distribute and market music 
  • online 1948 
  • pay-to-stream 2010 - don't need to download 
  • 2008- 100 million users
  • millennials 13-18 21%
  • rather access than own media 
  • threatens CD& DVD revenues 
  • social media to promote products 
  • 20 million tracks not really listened to 
  • active audiences 
  • 'unification of cultures' 
  • cultural imperialism - US 
  • top 1% get 77% sales 
  • There seems to be more of a mainstream culture due to the convenience allowing a greater audience influence. Streaming allows for on demand music without its full costs for audience but i feel that it also benefits the artists as it creates strong branding for the artists. Leading to audiences to spend more on merchandise, concerts etc. benefiting them overall rather than directly through music purchase. 
Sunny: Social media impact on democracy (especially america)
  • narratives vs fact 
  • more relateable 
  • Reddit- Trump centred 
  • Meme war - engage young people 
  • democratic freedom- views and opinions 
  • delusional of information in politics 
  • Cambridge analytica - refine marketing of demographics 
  • innovation and change in political system 
  • Like for ladans presentation. social media seems to trap audiences within an echochamber preventing them from making direct social change but it is also extremely beneficial to engaging a young audience initially into politics where they can further their understanding and interest afterwards. 
Callum: Activision Blizzard 
  • Satnta monica 
  • merge with vivendi games 
  • $118.6 billion forecast 
  • snapchat adverting 
  • marwick - technopanic 
  • gaming seems to have a rather similar impact and claimed effect as traditional media suggested but just manages to reach a wider audience due to NDM aiding the marketing process and growing audiences further than ever before. 
Katie: Documentary 
  • domestic audience 
  • distribution changes influence of regulation 
  • saves 'costs' of distribution when online 
  • easy narrative allowing a larger audience 
  • YouTube- mini documentaries of life
  •  Globalised issue but only a particular viewpoint 
  • must trend to achieve large audience.
  • £750,000 in one day by the Crown (overall like a films budget) 
  • Documentary culture seems to be changing due to NDM due to the fact that the content is being manipulated and changed to reach a larger mass audience due to the viral nature of smaller everyday documentries seem to share of ourselves on social media. 
Harkiran: Lionsgate 
  • mini major film studio 
  • pricing and convenience are main attractive characteristics 
  • individualistic, variety and access  from video on demand 
  • binge watching culture 
  •  cultural changes in the consumption of movies seems to be changing the way in which different demographics seem to be consuming film reflecting the influence directly onto media consumerism culture. 
Khadijah: Netflix 
  • DVD 1997 
  • Free profile systems 
  • technological convergence 
  • 93.8 million subscribers
  • 70% binge watch their shows 
  • Similar to harkirans presentation, it seems that these sort of media streaming platforms are not only changing the way in which we are consuming products but also the way in which they are being produced. However, it does still only seem relevant to a younger audience. 
John: Apple music - music streaming 
  • family subscribers
  • 30 millions 
  • itunes 14 billions
  • youtube
  • 43 million spotify 
  • 20.8 million apple 
  • global music industry increasing in size due to globalisation  
  • there seems to be a large impact of globalisation on the music industry especially in the way and type of music being streamed. There also seems to be an increased culture of americanisation in these aspects as they seem to be the major audience for these products and technological advances. 


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