Weekly New/Digital Media (60)

Here's how to protect your internet browsing data now that it's for sale

woman on computer


Summary: "Congress voted to allow internet service providers to sell your browsing habits to advertisers, but there are a number of options for protecting your history" 
Congress voted this week to allow internet service providers to sell the browsing habits of their customers to advertisers. The move, which critics charge will fundamentally undermine consumer privacy in the US, overturns Obama-era rules issued last October designed to give people more control over their personal data.
Rules created by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) are now in action at the end of 2017
Now that they have been scrapped, ISPs such as Comcast, Verizon and AT&T are free to track all your browsing behavior and sell it to advertisers without consent.
this is done by analysing all of your web visits, clicks, searches, app downloads and video streams presenting a huge treasure trove of personal data, including health concerns, shopping habits and porn preferences. ISPs want to use this data to deliver personalized advertising

Key Facts/ Statistics:
Opt out options including being able to pay to opt out

My opinion:
This just highlights how much these media institutions are using every aspect of the consumer they can to finally turn a huge profit. They are already exploiting consumer data so much but are still finding even more new and legal ways to use and sell this data. However the fact that this is even being passed as laws suggest that consumers don't truly understand the consequences of these actions and dont truely understand how much they are profiting these organisations.


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