New and Digital Media: News case study introduction

1) Why has Google led to the decline of the newspaper industry?
Google has lead to the decline of the newspaper industry as they have taken away from advertising revenue. 
2) Find a statistic from the article that illustrates the decline of traditional news media.
print publications have lost $60 billion minimum from ad sales.
3) Looking at the graph featured in the article, what period has seen the steepest decline in newspaper advertising revenue? 
4) Do you personally think Google is to blame for newspapers closing and journalists losing their jobs? Why?
i think google is only doing what they deem as profitable yet it has had an impact negatively. I think that in these situations these problems shouldn't be so dominant and if they are they should be transferable to the job opportunities they create. 
5) Read the comments below the article. Pick one comment you agree with and one you disagree with and justify your opinions in detail.
Sorry, you didn’t convince me. So what if they didn’t invent the Internet. They did figure out a good way to advertise on other people’s content without sharing anything with the people who did the work. They could have built a system that actually paid the content creators. They could have tossed in a microcent every time someone clicked on a search link. But no, they kept ALL of the money for themselves. And they still do it. They seem to think that Google News is a service. It’s just a leech on the hardworking reporters.
I agree with this comment because google is a massive global company that has enough research to counteract and adress the problems. 
obviously, Google is not to blame. I don’t think it’s about blame. I think the Internet is incredibly poorly designed. 

they do have to take some resepnsiblity of the sheer scale. 


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