Weekly New/Digital Media (3)
WhatsApp threatened with legal action over Facebook data sharing deal
Summary: The watchdog has given WhatsApp until this week to reverse the controversial change as the Federation of German Consumer Organizations (vzbv) has said that WhatsApp could face legal action over what it says is a "betrayal by WhatsApp"
This is because “When Facebook took over WhatsApp in 2014, it pledged that the WhatsApp service would remain independent,”
“We are extremely concerned about this insidious trend: consumers are losing step by step the ownership of their data. Their private sphere is in danger,” the watchdog's statement reads.
My opinion: This was bound to happen at some point with large institutions constantly data mining users individual data causing a deeper and deeper breach of privacy. I think that this step was rather positive and was needed to remain major social media companies to stick to their own promises and terms instead of always forcing the users to sway, its rather time institutions swayed a little too.
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