Weekly New/Digital Media (5)

Daily Mail publisher turns to price rise to counter advertising slumpA man reads the Daily Mail. DMGT finance director Peter Williams to retire after 28 years with media company

Summary: Daily mail increases price of flagship title cover for the first time in 3 years by 5p to cover the loss made by decreased revenue from advertising. In the previous three months, digital growth offset most of the decline of print.

Key statistics:
  •  In the first quarter, to the end of December, underlying sales for the unit were down 2pc to £188m.
  • The overall decline for the quarter at DMG Media reflected a 12pc drop in print advertising
  • offset by 32pc growth in digital revenues
  • MailOnline reported 27pc growth in advertising sales
My opinion: I think this is definitely due to the developments of new and digital media as there are many more platforms to market and advertise not just print media. However i do think that this isn't such bad news for dailymail as they already have an established and extreemly popular news website and now they should invest in developing their website further rather than trying too hard to save its print in the near future. 


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