Weekly New/Digital Media (57)

Instagram introduces two-factor authentication

A screen displays the Instagram logo during a presentation in New York.

Summary: "Security feature enabled for all users to help protect accounts from being compromised by password reuse and phishing" 
Instagram has now become one  of the latest social network to enable two-factor authentication (feature that protects accounts from being compromised due to password reuse or phishing) where users can use a 6 digit code to protect their account by simply turning the setting on. This therefore protects them from being hacked by attackers who have managed to steal credentials.

Key Facts/ Statistics: 
  • Instagram joins Facebook, Twitter, Google and many others in offering some form of two-factor verification
  • all the methods are slightly different: Twitter requires logging in to be approved by opening the app on a trusted device, and Google uses an open standard to link up with its authenticator app, which generates new six-digit codes every 30 seconds
  • But whatever the form, two-factor authentication is recommended by security experts for every user, as an easy and free way to secure accounts against intruders, which is why you should turn it on for Instagram today.
My Opinion: 
The security of users seems to becoming a huge concern for many media institutions within NDM suggesting that audiences are less and less safe online and more is needing to be done about it. This may just, however, be a front for audiences to feel safe instead of actually being completely safe. Thus suggesting that by making audiences feel safe they are able to keep users on these platforms where they can be further controlled and exploited by monetising their data and potentially giving the data to governments too. This therefore may just be a way to keep audiences on the sites when a lot of awareness is being spread about the risks being online. 


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