NDM Baseline assessment: Learner response

Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential)

www: you cover a lot of content and write a balanced essay.
ebi: include a discussion of traditional media and how NDM has impacted on it, limited to the question. Also, more on citizenship journalism. 

Write a new, detailed paragraph to add to your essay that addresses one of the EBIs specified in your feedback. This may be the other side of the argument (the idea that audiences are not empowered) or perhaps a new or improved example from the wider media. Make sure this is an extremely well-developed paragraph of several hundred words, encompassing media issues, debates, examples and theories wherever possible.

Question 4 (c)

Developments in new/digital media mean that audiences now have access to a greater

variety of views and values. To what extent are audiences empowered by this


Traditional media have been impacted by new and digital media in many many ways causing it to develop into a platform where a variety of views and values have started to emerge, empowering an audience by providing them with loads of information and a platform to express their own views and values. The developments of new and digital media have allowed for a variety of news channels to be available 24/7 as well as allowing intractability online and on their shows e.g. victoria derbishers show on BBC news at 9am allows for audiences to email and tweet their own experiences regarding her topics, almost like citizen journalism as well as reading out certain points of views that disagree with her perspective thus abiding by BBC'S no bias policy. Citizen journalism has also emerged on new platforms such as twitter where audiences tweet about their opinions and what happens to them as well as on things such as YouTube where people record, stream and comment their opinions and occurrences. This therefore empowers audiences, as they see their voices being heard and are open to a wide range of views too. 


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