Weekly New/Digital Media (9)

I'm with you on the digital revolution, it's the lack of journalism I can't face

Giving Twitter the bird: columnist argues that its users don’t gather news.

A small US state community of New Hampshire newspaper ceased publication after 90 years, creates worries about the implications of a redcution in the numbers of news gatherers (i.e journalists). The closing down came about due to the increased production costs, despite trying to sell that paper off, no one seemed to want to buy it. Laconia, had two local news papers so people still have the free Laconia Daily Sun. The collumist, Arlinghaus, of New Hampshire Union Leader wrote an article with many interesting points. He made the following statements; 
“No one gets their news from Twitter” “even the people who think they do.” this was based on the assumption that "Someone (else) read or produced the report — gathered the news — that we repost or tweet or link to." Therefore its a platform to share rather than create. He furthered the assumption by talking about radio stations reading reports of newspapers without really crediting them thus people listening didn’t get their news from the radio, they got their news from the newspaper reporters. He says that without the newspaper reporters “none of the local stories would have been covered, printed or rebroadcast. No one would have tweeted the story.” No-one would have had a story to post on Facebook. Thus, again, emphasis the sharing aspect of social media rather than creating. He also emphasizes how this news gather means  “More people covering more things makes government more accountable." thus highlighting its role on democracy. "The Citizen closing down is not the sound of an old method giving way to a new one. It is a warning about fewer people watching, fewer citizens helping keep us free.” due to how "Social media reacts to news, it doesn’t find it" which would mean that without news papers and their journalists there will hardly be room to share information that highlights democracy and freedom. He also says,“I’m with you on the digital revolution, it’s the lack of journalism I can’t face.” 

My Opinion:
The aspect of free news papers still standing might help to prolong the situation with journalists meaning that a shortage wouldn't be any time soon, there was almost competition for that news paper and simply couldn't keep up with their production costs, its not necessary due to a factor affecting all news papers directly. Moreover, despite agreeing with the fact that some social media only shares links of previous news stories, there are still many first hand blogging and reporting on news occurring, of occurrences happening to someone directly which they give a first person account of - they are producing the news - so it isn't completely lacking news. Moreover may journalists use this platform to blog about news stories, sometimes that weren't good enough to make the editorial cut. I do agree that it is worrying that the production decrease of news papers may stun journalism variety for a while but i feel as journalists, both old and new, would find a way to share their opinions and stories, research into what they need through different means. I don't think something would just ceece to exist, as he said, social media echos these links, they're online, they still need some news to post so they will find it. Newspapers may stop yet journalism would eventually just shift onto emedia. 


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