Weekly New/Digital Media (14)

BBC iPlayer users will have to use personal logins from early 2017


BBC aiming the move of personal logins to make its services more personalised and localised
The pervious BBC ID users will have to add a postcode to their infromaation to access the more personalised content. The tv TV licencing authorities will have access to the personal information but BBC says this won't be used to enforce the change. The article also refers to the need to having to confirm your tv liecence in order to view iplayer

Key statistics:
around seven million BBC ID accounts currently exist

My opinion:
I feel like the BBC is just jumping onto the back of the trend of having aimed content. This would most likely have the same implication as targeted news as on other websites, the important news may been left behind if we don't seem to show an interest in that particular news, with such a political service as the BBC this might become a huge problem in terms of what content we access and what content is the most popular, maybe even the BBC will fall victim to creating this type of service rather than focusing hard core on their news and journalism instead.
However i understand how this can also be a good thing, having localised news targeted at you you will learn more about your community having a rather positive effect on society as a whole, awareness of ones own area and community, the good and the bad and how positive change can be brung around.


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