Post-colonialism: final blog tasks
To complete our work on post-colonial theory, work through the following tasks: 1) Summarise the three theorists we have looked at: Alvarado, Fanon and Said. Alvarado (1987) 4 key themes in racial representation: Exotic - models, music, artists, food etc. Dangerous - crime, gangs, socially dysfunctional etc. Humorous - comedians (brown clown), sidekicks, quirky etc. Pitied - poverty etc. Frantz Fanon (1925- 1961) Black Skin, White Mask (1952) Originally point in which blacks in carnivals could wear a white mask to make fun of their slave owners however interpreted as a 'universal' idea many black people felt they had to do - put on a white mask. eg. universal idea of beauty is white 'to speak means to assume a culture' Caribbean blacks lost native language due to trying to talk in an educated English/french manner Typically black stereotypes can Infantilize - such as 'cute' child, or 'simple-minded', 'step n fetch it'...