Weekly New/Digital Media (38)
WhatsApp vulnerability explained: by the man who discovered it

"Facebook denies it is deliberate loophole but Tobias Boelter sets out what the vulnerability is and why it matters"
From April 2016 to now, the problem hasn't been fixed causing many to become sure this may be a purposeful move to a much greater problem.
This consists of things such as the government being able to wire tap conversations, and this ins't a problem that can be overcome by the verification it asked for.
A a definition this vunrability is described as " Instead of giving you your friend’s key, it could give you a public key belonging to a third party, such as the government. That’s why, if you don’t trust WhatsApp, you would need to verify what they call the “security” code with your friends." Moreover "WhatsApp voice calls are also affected: when you call someone and during the time the call connects you receive a new key, your phone will just switch to this new key without alerting you."
My opinion:
there are a lot of loop holes in the media aren't there. I understand that this is a breach of privacy and false terms and conditions however i dont think its a massive problem, if its only 'correct' third party sites being used.
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