Weekly New/Digital Media (41)

#DeleteUber: how social media turned on Uber

#DeleteUber began trending this weekend as the company lifted surge pricing during protests at JFK airport.

After Uber lifted surge pricing during a protest at New York’s John F Kennedy airport against Trump’s travel ban, condemnation online was swift 

"The reaction to Uber’s strikebreaking was swift. #DeleteUber began trending, as people encouraging one another not only to delete the app from their phones, but also to cancel their Uber accounts."
Much of the reasoning described in the screenshot belowView image on TwitterView image on Twitter
"Thanks to the company’s many controversies – from its attitude to consumer safety to its use of surge pricing during the Sydney siege – its was far from the first time the company had been excoriated on social media." 
Thus using the hashtag to reflect their displeasure with trump supporting companies. 
key facts/statistics:
  • "Dan O’Sullivan, or @Bro_Pair, was the first person to tweet the hashtag in direct response to Uber lifting surge pricing. He told the Daily Beast: “Let this be a warning: if you are a corporation who thinks you will ride out Trump, and quietly make money at his side, you will be made to pay a price.”" 
my opinion: 

I think its very interesting how the audience, espeicaly in terms of consumerism, are able to almost politically campagin against bias and infleucning insitutions reflecting a much more active and powerful audience. This also suggests that democcratically the audience is also becoming more active and as a collective are making their political voices being heard. I think that from this day on in terms of media orgnaisations they would have to try to be more and more neutral so they dont tip a balance one way or another or make controversy. I believe that whats recently happening with media/orgnaisations like facebook too are reflecting how mistakes are more likely to be noted and challanged in this day and age, obviously there is starting to be a change in the status quo, but then again trump is still in power and they cant change that no matter what voices arise. maybe marxist theoriest are still pretty much correct. 


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