How to be creative- 7 tips from the front line by Tim Clague
- Volunteer - You'll always be rewarded
- Circles - in the creative industry the task is given and you must do it in a set time, therefore its always about the approach.
- Beachcombing -always note down your ideas, keep them safe, explore them further, but never force it, be ready for when you get the idea in full, share it then use it
- No one comes from nowhere - you will need your contacts
- Put everything into everything (but life isn't a meritocracy - luck is also involved)
- Don't wait to be invited to the dance (but beware the Doppler effect) - do what you want and do it your own way
- The day after you finish, what do you do? - you live in the now but remember "your career has already started"
An interview with Cucklefish Games by Rosie Ball
- "create whole worlds"
- "tell stories about anything"
- audience knowledge is important - what do they want, find it out
- studyvally game example
- colour pallet
- characters
- mock-ups
- logo
- idea and acceptance
- theme
- coding
- producer - organisation and structure work
Sports Journalism by Leon Mann
About him:
- casual dress whilst still being cautious to the environment
- "welcome to the future"
- doing things differently
- respecting structure but also respectfully challenging it too (slowly)
- tell story in own way
- Seek new information - 3 pieces
- Be prepared
- Be yourself
- Believe in yourself
- Ethnicity and women
- "sports media has a lack of diversity"
- Positionally and perspective similarly limits perspective of storytelling
- Diversity offers a better range of opinions and perspectives
- Black collective of media in sports
- networking, mentoring, lobbying, support network
- D word conferences
- "if we don't have a conversation, things wont change"
- organic change will be too slow
- influence the decision makers like the bosses and CEOs
Main messages:
- Be the change
- value diversity
- challenge respectfully
- stay true to your own values
- an accent is a good thing
- don't change the way you speak - only clarity
- wants to explore mixed race identity
Young Filmmakes panel
- Rebecca Gosnell
- Nathan Wilkes - Disney - promotions team assistant
- do the best you can
- but don't be a perfectionist
- dedicate as much time possible
- failure and mistakes are okay and part of the process
- your learning - "shutup and make it"
Young people, media and democracy by Shakuntala Banaji
Key words
- trust
- good or bad
- voting
- brexit
- digital generation
Theoretical questions
- 15-25 year olds
- dont vote, apathetic, addicted to phones and games, disaffection from all civil sciences
- doing it a different way, radicalization, extremism, websites
- 'crisis' of participation and democratic
sociopolitical context
- increasing control of all media by a few corporations with political interests
- method: gaining news, 'free' newspapers
economic crisis
- vicious spending cuts
- media narratives of scarcity and nationalism
social, cultural, economic and institutional racism
- EU - institutional strategies of appeasement
- right wing media take on refugees
educational exclusion
young people
- use media to start democracy
- campaigns
- activism
- are the digital generation
- young people prefer offline and face to face contact when it comes to poitics
how does anyone become political? (sites of socialization
- childhood and youth
- family (ways decisions are made)
- media and school/college
- gets you to think politically about a particular subject
communication method:
- style
- non tolerant of diverse viewpoints
- passive, conformist, and confident authoritarian citizens, no desire to debate/discuss
- encourage wide range of media consumption and democratic citizens
civil web: issue engaging youth include:
- religion
- jobs
- media stereotyping
- social discrimination
- youth justice
- war
- children rights
- critical identity
- violence
- few activists amoungst youth- not always active
all equally included citizens?
- youth voices
- little connection to decisions made by those in power
- chat/retoric - not reality
- exclusion
- most socio-eonomically disadvantaged
- geographically immobile youth
- carving responsibility, learning difficulties
- 'too hard to reach'
- lower-middle class youth do just enough
UK media doing democracy
- debates
- identities - fiction and non fiction
- photos on sc
- graffiti etc
- mainstream- good for media
- vs. negative stereotypes
- misinformation
- if you trust it all = fake news
- mixed
- imagination and difference
- vs negative
- 80% negative
- victims, vulnerable, excluded (15-25)
- 1 or 2 - good
- wealth/footballers
- internet is great for those who are already active
- information
- // doesn't teach you to protest about it
- long-term campaigning is tough
- 2012-2014
- 20% young people - exclusively from web
- skills/digital divide
- 20-30% - never active fully - clueless about privacy
Traditional media
- very big tool
- free newspapers- immigration stereotypes
- mainstream youtube
- bumper sticker messages on politics - shared most "make america great again"
- adults in powerful positions
- believe they are in favor of democracy but not young people
- doing less for the country
- don't help young people to get involved in politics
- freetime= discuses
managed citizens
- challenge - not wanted by those in power
- all parts of the UK
- nobody wants first place participation eg. of hackers
- citizen duty
- "not all participation is democratic"
Final words:
- refusal to vote/ low levels of trust in the government - aren't either democratic or not
- 20 year old - critical citizen vs conformity - think we can make a change
- "wait for them to just grow up"
An audience with Tony Garnett
His films
- At the junction - optimism of young people, society tremples on youth
- backstreet abortion during blitz
- general strict 1926 - capital vs labour
- money vs work
- capital profit
- hanger - rape and guns
- victims need for revenge
- system injustice
- state ife
- growing industry of drugs
- even in the most riches countries in the world
- "own integrity over nation"
- loving respectfully
His focus
- Himself as a person
- Ordinary working people like himself - in all their dignity, integrity, faults and all - reflecting people back to themselves
- each film tells the truth - My truth not THEE truth
- political
- controversial
- political propaganda vs 9'0clock news which was known as fact
"for a fact to have meaning it must be contextualized"
- man - not news
- man dead - happens everyday
- mystery Russian man found poisoned - news
- started a narrative - you want to know the story
- exactly like a film
- "how do you tell fact from truth. Political belief is so embedded we can't help bias"
- eg. alzazeria, russia today, BBC
- all think its the other that is bis - we are objective and factual
- cover stories come in 24/7
- you have an hour to decide
- what order, what, context and spin
- what you think is important and ratings
- is it news? being yourself?
- both conscious and unconscious prejudices - what they call their 'news sense'
- audience and self might come in conflict
- eg. 18th century - stock market vs profit of slave trade
- good for economy vs Africans offended
- good news for some would be enraging insult to some
- any news- must be skeptical
- wont be THE news but someones IDEA of the news
- whose behind the news?
- e.g. like voice overs - nudging emotions to take sides
- its not objective/ fact
- those telling the news are making it up
- we cant do anything else - we humans live through stories
- sense of world, selves - ourselves in the world through narratives
- 'HIS' story in religion
- past - different narratives and meanings
- family stories are important as they are contexts in which we define ourselves
- we ask for bedtime stories but we don't realise we ask for these stories for the rest of our lives
Digital revolution
- has only just begun
- you are a part of it
- changing news
- bbc check news within efforts
- post truth era- twitter
- spread conscious lies
- "internet is full of tricks?"
- generation be warned
- start with selves
- check facts against primary sources
- "be honest with what you tell yourselves and why"
- world was different then
- cultural climates depend on political climates
- 60/70s - bbc - national debate to allow more creative freedom
- one idea - the market
- not just useful but scarce too
- its like a religious doctorate
- "bbc has, like everything else, been marketised"
- reluctance to take creative risks
- Flower growing in the cracks
- my show was smuggled inside the show management wanted
- "democratized film making"
- enjoy seeing your freedom
- "memories are treacherous"
- book
- its not so you think better of me
- resist the temptation - but how?
- sacrifice everything to make it successful
- editor of the news struggles with everyday
- "try to make fiction in order to tell the truth"
Final points
- creativity vs craft
- only a few have creativity - that's what they want you to believe
- we are all creative
- it is challenged, disciplined, discouraged imagination
- re-discover your inner child
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