Post-colonialism: final blog tasks

To complete our work on post-colonial theory, work through the following tasks:

1) Summarise the three theorists we have looked at: Alvarado, Fanon and Said.

Alvarado (1987) 
4 key themes in racial representation:

  1. Exotic - models, music, artists, food etc.
  2. Dangerous - crime, gangs, socially dysfunctional etc.
  3. Humorous - comedians (brown clown), sidekicks, quirky etc. 
  4. Pitied - poverty etc. 
Frantz Fanon (1925- 1961)
Black Skin, White Mask (1952) 
Originally point in which blacks in carnivals could wear a white mask to make fun of their slave owners however interpreted as a 'universal' idea many black people felt they had to do - put on a white mask. eg. universal idea of beauty is white 
'to speak means to assume a culture' Caribbean blacks lost native language due to trying to talk in an educated English/french manner
Typically black stereotypes can 
  1. Infantilize - such as 'cute' child, or 'simple-minded', 'step n fetch it' 
  2. Primitivize - 'exotic' tribal warriors, or 'bare breasted maiden', with a 'natrual snese of rhythm', sporting abilities
  3. Decivilize - gangsta, pimp etc.
  4. Essentialize - undifferentiated mass, 'they all look the same to me' 

Edward Said's Orientalism (1978) 
  • Palestinian- american 
  • West constructed meaning of the east 
  • more relevant now post 9/11
  • different, dangerous and uncivilized stereotype 
  • them and us - theirs and ours 
  • essentalising - generalizing attributes associated with orientals 
  • through works like scientific reports, literary work, media sources etc 

2) Watch the opening of Yasmin (2004) again. Does it offer a positive or negative view of British Muslims? To what extent does it reinforce or challenge Edward Said's theory of Orientalism - that the west is superior to the exotic or uncivilised east?

the prodominant view is much more positive as it reflects how they arent dangerous and are instead family and religion orintated and that isnt a bad thing. The girl is presented as almost wearing the 'white mask' but also an almost 'asaian' mask as she mediates between these two cultures that are still presented as opposing. The 'east' through the boy at home is presented as slightly poverty ridden and not very hyginic which could link to the uncivilized concept however the girl and the religious family arent who are helpful, smart etc. highlighting the variation amoungst that particular group. 

3) Finally, choose THREE clips for EACH of the theorists and explain how you could apply that theory to the clip. Pick a selection of clips on YouTube from TV, film, music video or advertising and embed them in your blog before writing your analysis under each clip. Note: this means you need NINE clips in total on this blogpost.

Alvarado (1987) 
  1. Dangerous - crime, gangs, socially dysfunctional etc.
  2. Humorous - comedians (brown clown), sidekicks, quirky etc. 
  3. Pitied - poverty etc. 
They are being humorous through the dialogue they use and are rather harmless sitting there in a otherwise threatening position forcing the audience to challange their prexisitng prejudices. It also encompasses the concept of the exotic through again a rather humorous means overall the representation is for more positive than negative counteracting the typical dangerous prejudice/ stereotype.
This encompasses the rather negative dangerous representation with the idea they are uncivilized and just gang members, violent, drug addicts etc. which was ironically the stereotype Ben Drew was trying to counteract yet is obviously highlighted and drawn up on.
This draws massively upon the pity aspect as the viewer, a western individual from the ex colinisng countries are called upon those who have a 'duty' to help these people who are being grouped and genralised causing vast amounts of pity, the western are the ones with power clearly. 
Frantz Fanon (1925- 1961)
  1. Infantilize - such as 'cute' child, or 'simple-minded', 'step n fetch it' 
  2. Primitivize - 'exotic' tribal warriors, or 'bare breasted maiden', with a 'natrual snese of rhythm', sporting abilities
  3. Decivilize - gangsta, pimp etc.
  4. Essentialize - undifferentiated mass, 'they all look the same to me' 
This draws upon the aspect of a natral and innate sense of rhythm (primative) but in a positive and talented manner which creates a different end message compared to the usually negative representations - they are represented as having an almost innate talent due to their heirtage but so do non blacks which makes them almost equal with little differentiation being casted.

This draws upon the uncivized 'pimp' aspect slighlightly but in a more light hearted way and by having other black characters who arent like that highlights they arent all the same (essentilised)  this is the same for the infalzilsed aspect there are contrasts clearverly highlighting we are different even if the colour of our skin may be the same. 
This is far from infantaliszed as the lyrics explore deeper more complex issues hihglihting a lack of primativeness which is otherwise contrasted with other stances and ways of behaviour maybe representing how one may seem at first glace isnt correct. the primative aspect also comes from the more tribal representation which is his image but still creates the meaning nontheless.
Edward Said's Orientalism (1978) 
this sort of brings black and white together and through stereotypes explores the mixing of the two cultures and how only that culture can truely understand that one side. It is a lot less negative thiugh and hihlightis normal lifestyle differences rather than extremely negative views. 
this is very much the they vs us aspect where the indiduals invovled are coming together to fight this terrorist attack. They are inflicting pain on those we are as a viewer encourged to sympathyse with 
again the mass, western living multicultural city is brought together as one to witness the attack on them as a community, a whole, the other is attacking us however the presnece of various skin colours etc. brings those who live in the west as that western citizen noot the eastern citizens.


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