Weekly New/Digital Media (24)
Tens of thousands sign petition urging Parliament to recall 'most extreme spying powers ever' http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/investigatory-powers-bill-act-petition-snoopers-charter-spying-surveillance-privacy-a7438791.html Summary: " The bill forces internet companies to keep records of every website all of their customers go to, among other things" " The new law forces internet companies to keep a full browsing history of all of their users and give it up to a huge range of government agencies if they are asked ." also allowing people to spy into messages and hack phones to do so. Key statistics: it had been signed by 45,000 people . 10,000 signatures, the Government must respond to it. 100,000 signatures, it will be considered for a debate in Parliament My opinion: That sounds like a scary amount of power the government can have and makes privacy seem like a matter of the past especially if th...