Weekly New/Digital Media (20)

Twitter announces more tools for dealing with abuse

Twitter logohttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-37987058

Summary: There is now a new feature that allows individuals to mute certain key words and phrases on twitter. This "mute" button would also allow for individuals to leave conversations in which they are included. However they did admit this wont be a stop to the overall abusive conduct on the platform. The vice-president McSweeney highlights the issue of tackling the abuse in real time as it has become a "growing trend" on not only the platform but the internet as a whole. Due to this they are aiming to try to make the process faster and more transparent.

This safety threat isn't only harmful to its users but also the company as a whole as abuse would lead to users leaving the site leading to slow growth of the company.

Its true this isn't an issue to only twitter but the whole of the internet the audience almost control the decisions and actions of the media, twitter left it till too late and now are having to play catchup. The power of the audience is made pretty apparent in this article and the current social media issues we are facing, there is no easy way to deal with this and it is leading to the downfall of many large organisations, first it was newspapers and now social media,


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