Weekly New/Digital Media (18)
A print publishing reality: advertisers, not readers, are the customers

Summary: "As Trinity Mirror closes another free title while bemoaning a lack of audience, a US newspaper owner tells it like it is: journalism is of secondary importance"
Closed in order to focus on the website, Lack of suffiecnet advertising revenue prevents them from staying afloat but not aiding them in making a profit. because its a free news paper, the audience isnt really the problem its usually down to the producer - its more like serving advertisers rather than the public because of this. Business trumps journalism is described as the cold hard truth by the company.
"editorial content should be aimed at pleasing advertisers. Don’t rock the business boat. Favour entertainment material over information." becuase they need numbers not the information and journalism because quiet frankly the advertisers don't care about that.
My opinion:
It seems rather true that newspapers especially the free ones seem to care about advertising sales rather than their audience, because an audience will remain mainly because the newspapers free however that just means the qality decreases until the advertisers don't see it as a popular enough paper to advertise with, ironically they lead to their own downfall. Maybe newspapers should charge a small fee if they are full of information with a secure audience where the audience is put as a priority and the adverisers are pushed a back a little, the audience will be willing to pay a premium price for a high quality service of a newspaper and the firm will be making a profit, Benefits to both
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