NDM story index

September - October

Week 1:Weekly New/Digital Media (1)   : Facebook and Twitter join coalition to improve social media newsgathering
             Weekly New/Digital Media (2)   : Instagram unveils tool to allow users to filter abusive comments
Week 2:Weekly New/Digital Media (3)   : WhatsApp threatened with legal action over Facebook data sharing deal
             Weekly New/Digital Media (4)   : Request shows and rehabilitation: How prison radio changes the lives of inmates
Week 3:Weekly New/Digital Media (5)   : Daily Mail publisher turns to price rise to counter advertising slump
             Weekly New/Digital Media (6)   : Are mobiles changing how we shop?
Week 4:Weekly New/Digital Media (7)   : Pixel is a direct challenge to Apple – and a referendum on Google 
             Weekly New/Digital Media (8)   : Yahoo email surveillance: who approved the secret scanning program?
Week 5:Weekly New/Digital Media (9)   : I'm with you on the digital revolution, it's the lack of journalism I can't face
             Weekly New/Digital Media (10) : TV advertising exceeds £5bn for first time
Week 6:Weekly New/Digital Media (11) : Donald Trump as president 'would be a threat to press freedom'
             Weekly New/Digital Media (12) : Spotify UK revenues surge to almost £190m as mobile subscriptions take off
Week 7:Weekly New/Digital Media (13) : Why do we still accept that governments collect and snoop on our data?
             Weekly New/Digital Media (14) : BBC iPlayer users will have to use personal logins from early 2017
Week 8:  Weekly New/Digital Media (15): Ofcom dismisses every complaint of bias against Jeremy Corbyn about UK broadcasters
                Weekly New/Digital Media (16): Cross-media ownership: Xenophon bloc likely to support scrapping diversity rules
Week 9:Weekly New/Digital Media (17): Make Google and Facebook pay for public service reporting
              Weekly New/Digital Media (18): A print publishing reality: advertisers, not readers, are the customers
Week 10:Weekly New/Digital Media (19): Mark Zuckerberg rejects 'crazy idea' Facebook influenced US election result
                Weekly New/Digital Media (20): Twitter announces more tools for dealing with abuse
Week 11:Weekly New/Digital Media (21): Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook will fix 'fake news' problem but will not verify stories itself
                Weekly New/Digital Media (22): Instagram is changing from photo-sharing app to shopping catalogue in your pocket
Week 12:Weekly New/Digital Media (23): Reddit CEO admits he edited Trump supporters' comments on social network
                Weekly New/Digital Media (24): Tens of thousands sign petition urging Parliament to recall 'most extreme spying powers ever'
Week 13:Weekly New/Digital Media (25): Google 'must review its search rankings because of rightwing manipulation'
                Weekly New/Digital Media (26): Facebook reportedly testing new tool to combat fake news
Week 14:Weekly New/Digital Media (27): Uber employees 'spied on ex-partners, politicians and Beyoncé'
                Weekly New/Digital Media (28): Twitter U-turns over banning white nationalist


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