Weekly New/Digital Media (19)

Mark Zuckerberg rejects 'crazy idea' Facebook influenced US election result

Mark Zuckerberg speaking at the Techonomy conference in California

"mark Zuckerberg has rejected widespread claims that Facebook influenced the US election by allowing fake and incendiary news stories to thrive on the social network."
He said it was only a very small amount of content and says that americans just cant understand the reason that Trump won so are finding something to blame. 
Individuals accuse facebook of being a 'filter bubble' having too much fake news. He says that individuals ignored the content that would highlight the reasons because they simply just choose to ignore the stuff that they didnt agree with . 

my opinion:
The article explores 2 sides of the argument against social media; its false / we ignore what we dont want to see. i have to say i agree with mark a lot, we do often find something to blame when we dont understand something - its the easiest way to rationalist the results, human nature to find something to blame. Moreover its true that we dont value or look at sories that disagree with our opinions, however i do believe fake stories played a fair role in the elections and its something facebook, along with social media in general, needs to find a way to tackle. 


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