Case study: Everyday Sexism
1) Why did Laura Bates start the Everyday Sexism project?
'you can't solve a problem a problem you don't know exists' so raising awareness is very important about the things that happen everyday but are normalised by society so we don't see them as a problem. She noticed it was an issue when she faces several cases of harassment in one week with no one finding it odd or helping her when she needed it. Then when she spoke to various people about the problem she found that everyone faced these issues but no one spoke out about them, because in their heads they were never issues to begin with.
2) How does the Everyday Sexism project link to the concept of post-feminism? Is feminism still required in western societies?
The project highlights the sheer importance of feminism in today's society, how protests etc. cannot change what society encourages. We still have ideologies and behaviours that are sexist and we carry out everyday - they need to be challenged. Until these thoughts and behaviours are changed there will not be a state of post feminism, slowly we will make change towards this state, but until then we still need to do every little we can to make a change.
3) How can you apply Judith Butler's theory of gender as a 'performance' to the creation of the Everyday Sexism project?
Socially constructed roles in society are the reasons for these problems, as the harassment is normalised in men and female sexuality and women are created to be a certain way, to remain silent about these 'normal' issues.
4) How does Angela McRobbie's work on female empowerment link to the Everyday Sexism project?
Women and some men too are helping and supporting women to speak up against injustices and share their experiences. Through this everyone is empowering women, they know that so many women are behind them and support them. People are being empowered to help and support women, they are encouraging to speak up in the situations they face these troubles. Fight the abuse instead of endure it.
Media Magazine: The fourth wave?
Read the article: The Fourth Wave? Feminism in the Digital Age in MM55 (p64)
1) Summarise the questions in the first two sub-headings: What is networked feminism? Why is it a problem?
What is networked feminism? a potentially new wave of feminism working to tackle socializing equality issues. This is through media and technology strategies like UGC,websites,twitter - hashtags, campaigns, social media.
why is it a problem?
Feminists still have to deal with prejeducies such as their clothes provoking rape. through the rapid developments in the media, these social causes would have been left behind forgetting the true roots of feminism.
2) What are the four waves of feminism? Do you agree that we are in a fourth wave ‘networked feminism’?
First wave: early 20th century, suffragette movement (right to vote).
Second wave: 1960s – 1990s, reproductive rights (pill), abortion, equal pay.
Third wave: 1990s – present, empowerment, reclaiming of femininity (high heels, sexuality etc. See Angela McRobbie's work on women's magazines).
Fourth wave? 2010 – ongoing, use of new technology and digital media (e.g. Twitter) for activism.
Not really, i feel that it is a tool being used to express all the previous types of feminisms described before, its nothing new in terms of content its just a different method and technique.
3) Focus on the examples in the article. Write a 100-word summary of EACH of the following: Everyday Sexism, HeForShe, FCKH8 campaign, This Girl Can.
Everyday Sexism- Sexism women have to face on a daily basis because of socities currupted way of thinking. Started by Bates 2012 where users can share stories and experiences with sexism using this interaction to make everything more acceptable to talk about, knowing you aren't alone.
Emma Watson campaging for complete gender equaquality between men and women reflected through a large community of online support.
4) What is your opinion with regards to feminism and new/digital media? Do you agree with the concept of a 'fourth wave' of feminism post-2010 or are recent developments like the Everyday Sexism project merely an extension of the third wave of feminism from the 1990s?
I feel that new and digital media is being used to preach all the various types of feminism all at once, different types of feminists are given the platform to express their views and opinions and make them reach a mass audience instantly. Due to the nature of social media, one type of feminism would be more popular due to the 'viral' nature of particular campagins yet i dont see this as separate.
'you can't solve a problem a problem you don't know exists' so raising awareness is very important about the things that happen everyday but are normalised by society so we don't see them as a problem. She noticed it was an issue when she faces several cases of harassment in one week with no one finding it odd or helping her when she needed it. Then when she spoke to various people about the problem she found that everyone faced these issues but no one spoke out about them, because in their heads they were never issues to begin with.
2) How does the Everyday Sexism project link to the concept of post-feminism? Is feminism still required in western societies?
The project highlights the sheer importance of feminism in today's society, how protests etc. cannot change what society encourages. We still have ideologies and behaviours that are sexist and we carry out everyday - they need to be challenged. Until these thoughts and behaviours are changed there will not be a state of post feminism, slowly we will make change towards this state, but until then we still need to do every little we can to make a change.
3) How can you apply Judith Butler's theory of gender as a 'performance' to the creation of the Everyday Sexism project?
Socially constructed roles in society are the reasons for these problems, as the harassment is normalised in men and female sexuality and women are created to be a certain way, to remain silent about these 'normal' issues.
4) How does Angela McRobbie's work on female empowerment link to the Everyday Sexism project?
Women and some men too are helping and supporting women to speak up against injustices and share their experiences. Through this everyone is empowering women, they know that so many women are behind them and support them. People are being empowered to help and support women, they are encouraging to speak up in the situations they face these troubles. Fight the abuse instead of endure it.
Media Magazine: The fourth wave?
Read the article: The Fourth Wave? Feminism in the Digital Age in MM55 (p64)
1) Summarise the questions in the first two sub-headings: What is networked feminism? Why is it a problem?
What is networked feminism? a potentially new wave of feminism working to tackle socializing equality issues. This is through media and technology strategies like UGC,websites,twitter - hashtags, campaigns, social media.
why is it a problem?
Feminists still have to deal with prejeducies such as their clothes provoking rape. through the rapid developments in the media, these social causes would have been left behind forgetting the true roots of feminism.
2) What are the four waves of feminism? Do you agree that we are in a fourth wave ‘networked feminism’?
First wave: early 20th century, suffragette movement (right to vote).
Second wave: 1960s – 1990s, reproductive rights (pill), abortion, equal pay.
Third wave: 1990s – present, empowerment, reclaiming of femininity (high heels, sexuality etc. See Angela McRobbie's work on women's magazines).
Fourth wave? 2010 – ongoing, use of new technology and digital media (e.g. Twitter) for activism.
Not really, i feel that it is a tool being used to express all the previous types of feminisms described before, its nothing new in terms of content its just a different method and technique.
3) Focus on the examples in the article. Write a 100-word summary of EACH of the following: Everyday Sexism, HeForShe, FCKH8 campaign, This Girl Can.
Everyday Sexism- Sexism women have to face on a daily basis because of socities currupted way of thinking. Started by Bates 2012 where users can share stories and experiences with sexism using this interaction to make everything more acceptable to talk about, knowing you aren't alone.
Emma Watson campaging for complete gender equaquality between men and women reflected through a large community of online support.
FCKH8 Campaign-
this takes a more modern approach looking at issues we have to face as women now-a-days and how we are socially inequal as we are used for profit and explotion of feminism eg. advertising.
This Girl Can-
the idea that we shouldn't use 'like a girl' as an insult, that being a girl isn't a weekness, being like one isn't. Highlighting the fitness and sports side to show how women shouldnt be excluded from keeping fit and healthy taking away boy shaming and how female necessities aren't seen like that.
I feel that new and digital media is being used to preach all the various types of feminism all at once, different types of feminists are given the platform to express their views and opinions and make them reach a mass audience instantly. Due to the nature of social media, one type of feminism would be more popular due to the 'viral' nature of particular campagins yet i dont see this as separate.
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