Weekly New/Digital Media (49)

Fox News Anchor Stands Up For CNN And Defines ‘Fake News’

"Shepard Smith breaks it down once and for all." "After the White House blocked several major news organizations from attending an off-camera press briefing, known as a gaggle, journalists, both invited to the presser and not, stood up for the media." 
Claiming that CNN doesn't show fake news

Key facts/ opinions:

  • “Fake news refers to stories that are created often by entities pretending to be news organizations solely to drive clicks and views based on nothing of substance,” Smith explained.

My opinion:

I feel that its great that the media organisations will be coming together in a way to counteract this concept of fake news. Because of the american elections a lot of awarness has been raised since, like this or the way to pick up (on more minor) fake news on cbbc newsround. The is a great step towards educating an audience against the validity of fake news. However, i don't believe picking out fake news is always so simple and easy and fake news companies are always bound to defend themselves and some may also be wrongly accused more easily now of lying for political gains.


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