Identities: Feminist theory and blog task

1) How might this video contribute to Butler’s idea that gender roles are a ‘performance’?

Butler claimed that "By dividing men and women, feminists accidently reinforced the idea of differences between the two genders" so in the video when stereotypical roles are being played such as the home wife cleaning, cooking etc. they are reinforcing the idea that there is a divide between the genres. The exaggerated way in which she is preforming highlights that it is a 'performance' also she is doing it rather badly, burning food etc. suggesting their is no 'inherent' talent for the tasks again reinforcing it is socially constructed and a role she must play.  

2) Would McRobbie view Beyonce as an empowering role model for women? Why?

McRobbie may argue this alternative presentation in a popular, playful and parody manner would be a good sign to show that we are powerful, using the male gaze almost to an advantage.

3) What are your OWN views on this debate – does Beyonce empower women or reinforce the traditional ‘male gaze’ (Mulvey)?

In general I feel that Beyoncé is a very empowering woman but in this video, not so much. I feel that she is relishing in, begging for, the male gaze affect suggesting that women NEED a man, they NEED that validation which isn't true, far from the truth actually. Feminism and empowerment should encourage independence, not a validation that comes from males in a male dominant society. Also, the sheer desperation presented along side the lyrics, to me, doesn't come across as a parody rather offensively actually, linking to my previous point, there isn't any independence. Moreover this desperation alongside the sexual cues suggest that she is desperate to have sex, yet cannot initiate the contact and needs to wait until it satisfies her male husband, too traditional and a repressive of a viewpoint for it to come across as empowering. I feel that feminism still has a long way too go as too many male dominant ideologies are being internalised rather than being challenged eg. seeking empowerment from male validation. It is a male ideal of what beautiful is, or the sheer importance of looks and sex which is actually being pushed onto both sexes now.


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