Identities: applying feminism

Media factsheet: Applying Feminism

Find and read Media Factsheet #86 Applying Feminism. Save it to USB or email it to yourself so you have access to the Factsheet for homework. You can find the Factsheet on the Media Shared drive - M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets. Once you have read the Factsheet, complete the following tasks:

1) What are the five types of feminism outlined on the first page of the Factsheet?

  • Radical Feminism -This type of feminism sees the cause of women’s oppression as men. It assumes that men deliberately exploit women as this benefits them. One of the main aims of this theory is to address concerns over violence against women, especially is sexual relationships

  • Liberal Feminism - This type of feminism is mainly concerned with gender socialisation in order to show that gender roles are not biologically determined. The main aim of this type of feminism is to change the ways children are socialised into stereotypical gender roles and to attempt to change social policy to improve the position of women within the family.
  • Marxist-Feminism - This feminist approach looks at women’s oppression in relation to capitalism and the class system. One of the aims of this type of feminism is to look at the role of domestic labour within capitalism, namely that women work in the home for ‘free’, and the role women play in producing the next generation of the labour force.
  • Black Feminism - This approach is primarily concerned with black and Asian women’s experiences of oppression and exploitation. It combines ideas about capitalism, patriarchy and anti-racism.
  • Postmodern Feminism - This type of feminism is associated with third wave feminists. It acknowledges the diversity amongst women and encourages individual women to find feminist ideas that combine with their own experiences of life to create a brand of feminism suitable for them.

2) Which category would Judith Butler fit into? What about Angela McRobbie? Laura Bates and Everyday Sexism? Explain your answers.

Judith Believed in gender roles being a performance so would believe in Liberal Feminism as they aren't biological 
McRobbie believed in female empowerment a form of Postmodern Feminism
Laura believed that everyday sexism needs to stop a form of Postmodern Feminism and marxism feminism 

3) What was the difference between suffragists and suffragettes? Which approach do you agree with?

Suffragists: The National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) 
formed in 1897
aim to unite several existing women’s groups who wanted the vote for women. 
moderate, peaceful and lawful means. 
They presented reasoned arguments at public meetings and used petitions to raise public awareness of their plight.

Suggragettes: Women’s Social and Political Union. 
fighting for and were not afraid to use violent, confrontational and often illegal means
They wanted the same rights as men and their chosen way to reach this goal was through ‘deeds not words’, most famously chaining themselves to the railings outside Downing Street and the houses of Parliament. 

The sufferegets were needed for the awareness and empowerment for a while but not consistently. 

4) What was Laura Mulvey's argument regarding Hollywood film? Do you agree with it? Why?

Objectification of women for the pleasure of male viewers. I feel that is true and also due to the fact that some women seem to relish in being looked at by men so it creates that image. I feel that it exists and needs to change

5) Watch this YouTube video extract on Jean Kilbourne's Killing Us Softly series and list five examples she gives of the media objectifying women:6) What is Killbourne's argument regarding the representation of women in advertising?

- Buses and Cars
- Bus Stops
- Offices
- Airplanes
- Billboards
- Stadiums

- Schools

7) What is Naomi Wolf's argument in The Beauty Myth?

The notion of the construction of what ''beauty looks like'' and the pressure to live up to thopse expectations or otherwise think lowly of yourself and others. Eg. how women were almost seem as exotic animals in lepord skin 

8) Why is the representation of women in music videos a controversial topic for feminists?

Its hard to know when empowerment is taking place, its form, and the notions of intented and recieved readings. Therefore is very subjective,

9) What is your view of female artists such as Nicki Minaj or Beyonce - do they empower women or reinforce sexist, patriarchal views?

I dont think they do, the conform to a stereotypical view of beauty and the relish in male validation which isn't needed, yes you are manipulating men though that but that is still in the way in which they have created and would have preferred. 

10) Has new and digital media given women an opportunity to challenge sexist views or is it simply another media platform for women to be oppressed? Explain your view.

It depends on the side of the media you are using, everyone is expressing their feminist views and opinions but many of the waves and types of feminism seem to clash and change so there is always con controversy in the work. I feel some have got it right and manage to make politcal statements and challagne societies ideologies yet many seem to take the wrong means and jump headfirst into the end result rather than realise that so cities perception is yet to change and currently doing that would mean conforming to their views and opinions. 


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