Identities and Film: blog task

Complete the following tasks using Media Factsheet 142: Identity and Film. You'll find it in our Media Factsheet archive on the Media Shared drive: M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets

1) Read Media Factsheet 142: Identity and Film.

2) Complete the Twenty Statements Test yourself. This means answering the question ‘Who am I?’ 20 times with 20 different answers. What do they say about your identity? Write the 20 answers in full on your blog.

  1. Indian British 
  2. 18 year old 
  3. Sikh 
  4. Student 
  5. Sister
  6. Photographer 
  7. Writer 
  8. Daughter 
  9. Scorpio 
  10. ENTP
  11. Blogger
  12. Feminist 
  13. Belieber 
  14. Tall
  15. Brown Asian 
  16. Articulate 
  17. Talkative 
  18. Adventurous 
  19. Expressive 
  20. Active learner 

3) Classify your answers into the categories listed  on the Factsheet: Social groups, ideological beliefs, interests etc.

  • Social Groups + Classifications 
  • Self Evaluations 
  • Ideological beliefs
  • Interests
  • Ambitions

4) Go back to your favourite film (as identified in the lesson). What does this choice of film say about your identity? Are there any identities within the film (e.g. certain characters) that particularly resonated with your values and beliefs?

I really don't have a favorite film it varies from disney movies, my more childish side, to action movies and dystopian movies, my impulsive and strong side. 

If i had to pick a movie, i would say on is Divergence. 
Mainly because i read the book, it reflects how analytical i can be and how i like observing patterns and testing the images i had in my head against 'reality'. 
The main role is also a very strong female character, which is how like to see myself, as strong, independent and willing to go after what i believe in. This may suggest that i sometimes need the motivation to do so, as i may be looking for validation and reassurance that doing this would have a positive outcome. 
Another aspect are the themes they cover; crisis, love, family, friendship, courage, society, ignorance, psychology/sociology, appearances vs reality, all which are themes i hold close to my heart and tend to share the similar views i have. 
Their political stance is also very similar to mine, we don't understand just how much the government may be controlling us. 

5) Watch the trailers for the five films highlighted as examples of gay/lesbian representation in mainstream film. How are LGBT identities constructed in the trailers and how are audiences encouraged to respond to these representations?

The narrative suggests a segregation and alienation of the group. They are treated as outcast but soon potentially supported. They are presented as caring, human, funny, supportive, strong etc. all positive traits yet the animosity of the community needs to be broken, we sympathize with them. 
It sends a message to everyone to accept one another, we all have our prejudices and things that make us different, eg. sexuality and age, but these aren't things that should separate us, but instead bring us together.

The Kids are Alright- 
It presents them as loving, caring, supportive and protective - just like all hetrosexual parents. This highlights the view they may have that homosexual couples should be allowed to have children and they would still be able to bring up the children - with a little help of the opposite sex. 

The Wedding Banquet- 
A rather simplified view from the trailer is that they face judgment from society so need to go out of their way to make the gay relationship work. Highlighting them as struggling, humorous, different and reserved. Audiences are encouraged to sympathise with but still see a potential heterosexual couple, like for the kids are alright. 

The social and political injustice is explored. The sheer discrimination that takes place that effects even their jobs is being explored in a logical and practical manner. No such content is shown during the trailer but its suggested, suggesting the topic was still slightly taboo yet an important one that needed to be addressed, especially if the law meant equality.

Again exploring the social and political implications especially amoungst classes and the appearance of right and wrong. As the dialogue states, 'its not about what is but what appears to be' i this case that is the reference to their sexuality and how it is forbidden and rejected, the movie is aiming to highlight that it isn't impure or wrong or unnatural but a natural form of love which the audience would feel in scenes such as the separation of the two lovers.  


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