Weekly New/Digital Media (47)

Facebook clones Snapchat again with WhatsApp Status and Direct Photos

Facebook Snapchat Whatsapp

"For those keeping count, we’re up to 17 copies, acquisition attempts, or inspirations" 
"First up, on Monday, Android Police reported that the company began testing out a new feature in the Facebook app. Dubbed “direct photos and videos”, the feature is built into the camera in Facebook, and allows users to send pictures and movies to their friends straight from the camera interface, like in Snapchat. " 
Filters the same, disappearing the same, timing the same, they're copying snapchat again - not just on facebook but also wattsapp. 
Key facts/ statistics:

  • 17th copying attempt 
  • 7 very similar apps
  • “Can they not be innovative? Do they have to steal all of my partner’s ideas? I’m so appalled by that,” Kerr continued. “When you directly copy someone, that’s not innovation.”

My opinion:
What are they doing? The reason everyone has different, various apps is because THEY AREN'T MEANT TO BE THE SAME. If they all conform to one 'successful' style it would ultimatly take away the need to have various apps limiting it down to just one app everyone uses - a sort of monopoly effect, which as an economics student i know isn't very effective or good for consumers. The lack of competition results in less innovation (obviously only one company is doing that right now), less variety (already going to decline im sure) and quality. Someone has to get sued? this is the reason this profit driven NDM is distancing itself from the creative industry. its more profits and business with politics, no more creative, innovative products. Could this indicate a potential impending decline in social media as we know it?


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