Weekly New/Digital Media (50)

Trump’s War On The Media Echoes 2009. But The Press May Find It Harder To Fight.

Image result for google images trump speech on fake news


Summary: "

Solidarity seems more elusive in the Trump era than when the Obama White House marginalized Fox News." 

"In October 2009, as the Obama White House felt besieged by what it viewed as advocacy journalism masquerading as “fair and balanced” news coverage, top aides to the president declared a de facto war on Fox News.

Key facts/ opinions:

  • White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said the network was “not a news organization so much as it has a perspective.” (regards to fox)
  •  Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace, who have criticized the Trump administration’s most recent anti-press rhetoric.
  • It’s harder to run the country because these dishonest people are undermining the whole process,” O’Reilly said. “Fox & Friends” co-host Steve Doocy referred to the media as “the opposition party” 

My opinion:
Obviously America would have to have its troubles with fake news especially due to the fact that they had such a potentially huge influence on the outcome of the elections due to fake news and media coverage. The fact that the same thing happened in the past shows that the media has been tackling this problem for a long time and i feel that only now,due to the widespread nature due to social media being at its peak, the issue may be tackled.


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