Weekly New/Digital Media (43)

Skills shortage 'harming UK's ability to protect itself from cyber-attacks'Meg Hillier, chair of the Public Accounts Committee


"Government does not appear to have a coordinated strategy and agencies tasked with safeguarding are not consolidated, says MPs’ report" 

Confidence in the ability to protect Britian from high level cyber attacks is decreasing due to the lack of skill (Watchdog) This follows after concerns grow over Russian Cyber-attacks and the election 'rigging'. The approach to tackling personal data breaches so higher threat levels would obviously be hard to tackle. 

Key facts/statistics:

  • “The threat of cybercrime is ever-growing, yet evidence shows Britain ranks below Brazil, South Africa and China in keeping phones and laptops secure. In this context it should concern us all that the government is struggling to ensure its security profession has the skills it needs.” 
  • “The UK faces a growing threat of cyber-attacks and we share the committee’s determination to make the UK as safe a place as possible to live and do business online.”

My opinion:
This shows how the rise of NDM has not only breached personal security and privacy but also on a national basis. This shows just how dangerous this may be for us but also the sheer power of certain media organisations that render others completely useless. The national power dynamics are shifting much easier now due to this globalisation of NDM


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