Weekly New/Digital Media (45)
WhatsApp improves message security with two-step verification

Optional function will require users to input a six-digit security code
In attempts to improve security, a recent problem for wattapp, this is being introduced. They will also be asked to enter the security code once every 7 days to allow for optimum security.
- WhatsApp said: “We do not verify this email address to confirm its accuracy. We highly recommend you provide an accurate email address so that you’re not locked out of your account if you forget your passcode.”
My opinion:
The development of NDM has meant that security is becoming more and more of an issue and is resulting in harder measures being implemented to over come the problems. However, the greater lengths audiences have to go through to protect their security are becoming inconvenient, will it get so inconvenient that audiences wont bother anymore? is this what media institutions intent for? make security hard and lenghty to deter audiences from using it giving them more profitable and wide range access to audience data.
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